Video Management System

With technological improvements and cloud computing, the video monitoring system has grown in importance in the VMS system. End users are looking for more responsive and intelligent video solutions that will allow them to successfully employ video data for advanced analysis. Based on the combination of the streaming video and VMS platform, intelligent streaming solutions provide an integration strategy for capturing video data, such as video content, video retrieval, and video playback. Read more

Asda to trial digital ID at self-checkouts

ASDA Supermarket

Asda has announced that it will be the first supermarket to try an automatic age verification system at self-checkouts, with the goal of making the process smoother and faster for consumers who use this service.

The project is part of a Home Office pilot programme to explore technologies that potentially help with the requirement for age verification in the retail sale of alcohol.

Customers purchasing alcoholic beverages can just look at a camera to check their age before proceeding with their purchase. If the algorithm detects that a consumer appears to be under the age of 25, they can prove their age using the Yoti and Post Office EasyID apps. Continue reading…

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