IDEMIA and Bosch have announced a global collaboration to unlock the potential of the biometrics access control market.

IDEMIA, who are a provider of Augmented Identity solutions, are now working in collaboration with Bosch Building Technologies in order to “tap the fast-growing biometric access control market.”

This booming market is said to be the result of an increasing number of businesses realising that for their security, they cannot rely on simple ID badges that can be cloned or simply stolen.

Biometrics that are based on personal, physiological, and “unforgeable” characteristics, should provide the highest level of assurance that the person passing through the door is a genuine authorised employee.

Bosch has chosen two IDEMIA terminals to add a biometric layer to BIS:

  • MorphoWave, a terminal that claims it’s able to scan and verify four fingerprints in under a second using a rapid, effortless, and touchless wave movement of the hand.
  • VisionPass is a cutting-edge facial recognition terminal that combines 2D, 3D, and infrared cameras with IDEMIA’s facial algorithms.

Both terminals combine high biometric accuracy, speed, and ease with a completely touchless user experience, while also being functional with masks to comply with COVID policy. IDEMIA terminals are already combined with the BIS platform , with turnstile vendors and with most gates.