How to connect a burglar alarm system with BT line?
Intruder alarm system can be connected to an alarm receiving centre or a private telephone number for monitoring. When an alarm is triggered it will use the telephone line to send signals and required person or organisation can be alerted. There are many ways you can connect an alarm panel to telephone lines for remote signalling.
The main companies who provide this service are dual com and BT redcare. When connecting to an alarm panel, you can use any telephone lines but for some type (grades) of units you may require a dedicated line. The following article will illustrates the technical wiring of an alarm system with telephone lines.
It is advisable you hard wire an alarm panel. In connecting an alarm panel always use BT main socket and connect it through 2 and 5. In some cases these connectors are named as A and B,generally line A is at 0V and line B at -50V. It is easy to use telephone lead to connect an alarmpanel with telephone line, in that case you will require BT socket to RJ11 cable.
When hard wiring the cable, you can use a cable puncher. You should take extra care in using the correct tools or get some help from a competent person.
Connecting the cable to an alarm panel
There are many alarm panels that you can use in the UK, however make sure you buy one compliance to BS50131 standard. Different alarm panels may have different connections from a telephone line. The main brands in alarm panel manufacturing are Texecom, Galaxy, Cooper and Pyronix. We will see how we can connect telephone lines to texecom and galaxy. As far as texecom panels are concerned you have to buy a separate communication unit and this does not apply to galaxy (honeywell). In both cases you will find line in and line out in a communication unit.
You will connect your A and B or 2 and 5 to line in. Line out will allow you to take telephone line to another device which require telephone line.
How to test telephone line connection?
Once connected in both panels you can perform a test call function to see whether what you have done is correct.